Christi Ivers Ph.D

Christi Ivers, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Spanish, Lower-Division Coordinator of Spanish, Modern Languages

Phone: (972) 721-5229


Office: Anselm #105

Dr. Christi Ivers holds a Ph.D. in Spanish Literary and Cultural Studies from the University of Kansas. Her dissertation examines visual and verbal allusions to Christ’s Passion in devotional and secular texts in the fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Iberian world. Her research interests include devotional literature in Castilian, Catalan, French, and Latin as well as print culture and book history.

  • Ph.D., Spanish Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Kansas
  • M.A., Spanish Literature, University of Kansas
  • B.A., English, Drake University
  • B.S.E., Drake University
  • Assistant Professor of Spanish

  • Second-Year Spanish I
    Second-Year Spanish II
    Advanced Composition and Grammar
    Cervantes: Don Quijote and Novelas ejemplares
    Great Works in the Renaissance and Baroque

Late Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Literature, Book History and Print Culture, Devotional Books and Practices

“Latin Fragments and Catalan Verses: Printing Linguistic and Devotional Metonymy in La dolorosa passio del nostre redemptor Jesuchrist (Barcelona, 1518).” Forthcoming in Romance Quarterly, anticipated publication July 2022. Refereed Journal.

“Reading Death in the Digital Mode: The Dance of Death and Manuscript T of the Libro de buen
.” Hispanic Journal, vol. 41, no. 1, Spring 2020. Refereed Journal.

“Risky Collaboration in Fifteenth-Century Printing and Cárcel de amor.” La corónica: A Journal of
Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures and Cultures
, Spring 2015. Refereed Journal. doi:10.1353/cor.2015.0013
  • "From Muslims' Looms to Christian Tombs: Andalusi Textiles as Markers of Christian Sanctity in the Vida de Santa Oria."  57th International Congress on Medieval Studies, via Zoom, 9-14 May 2022.  Refereed Conference. 
  • "Locating Ibero-Medievalists in Current Research and Teaching: La corónica Commons's 'Bibliography of Race and Visibility in Medieval Iberia.'" Modern Language Association Annual Convention, via Zoom, 7-10 January 2021. Refereed Conference.
  • "Nebrija's Choice: Catholic Orthodoxy over Printing Expertise in Sixteenth-Century Granada." South Atlantic Modern Language Association, via Accelevents, 13-15 November 2020. Refereed Conference.
  • "Printing Individual and Collective Catholic Identity: Catalan and Latin Linguistic Contact in La dolorosa passio del nostre redemptor Jesucrist (Barcelona, 1518)." Cancelled Papers Virtual Conference, Hall Center for the Humanities, Univ. of Kansas, via Zoom, 24-25 April 2020. (Paper originally accepted to the 55th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan Univ., 7-10 May 2020, cancelled due to coronavirus pandemic). Refereed Conference.